Interface HttpConfig<TMeans>

HTTP processing configuration.

Type Parameters



defaultHandler?: boolean | RequestHandler<TMeans>

Default HTTP request handler.

This handler will be called after all other handlers when response is not generated.

When set to false the default response won't be generated.


true, which means a 404 Not Found error will be raised if there is no response.

errorHandler?: boolean | RequestHandler<TMeans & ErrorMeans<any>>

Error processing handler.

This handler will be called once request processing error occurred. Such handler would receive a error processing means along with HTTP processing ones.

When set to false the request processing errors will be logged, but otherwise ignored.


true, which means the request processing error page will be rendered by renderHttpError handler.

logError?: boolean

Whether to log HTTP processing error.

Unhandled errors will be logged with console.error in any case.


true, which means an error will be logged with logger means, created if necessary.

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