Class RequestCapability<TInput, TExt>Abstract

Request processing capability.

Modifies request processing context in a certain way when delegates to handler.

Request processing capabilities could be combined.

Type Parameters

  • TInput

    A type of request processing means required in order to apply this capability.

  • TExt = object

    A type of extension to request processing means this capability applies.






  • Combines two request processing capabilities.

    Type Parameters

    • TInput

      A type of request processing means expected by the first capability.

    • TExt

      A type of request processing means extension applied by the first capability.

    • TNext

      A type of request processing means extension applied by the second capability.


    • this: void
    • first: RequestCapability<TInput, TExt>

      First capability to combine.

    • second: RequestCapability<TInput & TExt, TNext>

      Second capability to combine. Receives requests modified by the first one.

    Returns RequestCapability<TInput, TExt & TNext>

    Combined request processing capability that applies modifications to request by the first capability, and then - by the second one.

  • Builds request capability by the given provider.

    Type Parameters

    • TInput

      A type of request processing means required by this provider.

    • TExt

      A type of extension to request processing means this provider applies.


    • this: void
    • provider: Provider<TInput, TExt>

      Request processing capability provider.

    Returns RequestCapability<TInput, TExt>

    Request processing capability that call the given provider in order to apply.

  • Combines this capability with the next one.

    Type Parameters

    • TNext

      A type of extension to request processing means applied by next capability.


    • next: RequestCapability<TInput & TExt, TNext>

      Next capability that receives requests modified by this capability.

    Returns RequestCapability<TInput, TExt & TNext>

    New request processing capability that applies modifications to request by this capability first, and then - by the next one.



  • Provides request processing capability to the given handler.

    Builds request processing handler that modifies request and delegates to target handler.

    Type Parameters

    • TMeans

      A type of request processing means expected by constructed handler.


    • handler: RequestHandler<TMeans & TExt>

      Request processing handler that will receive modified request context.

    Returns RequestHandler<TMeans>

    New request processing handler.

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